Zoll AED 3 Defibrillator
Approved for marketing and distribution in 2016 the AED 3 is one of Zoll's newest defibrillators to the market.
The AED 3 is very similar to the AED Plus but there are some key differences.
- The AED 3 has a CPR cycle timer for more effective resuscitation.
- The AED 3 has a much faster patient analysis of 3 seconds down from 9 seconds. In these moments seconds can mean the difference between life and death.
- The AED 3 has a pre-shock pause of under 5 seconds instead of 12 seconds.
- The AED 3 has a large color touchscreen for easier more intuitive use. The AED Plus has a smaller monochrome display.
- The AED 3 has duel orientation capabilities. It can lay flat or stand upright.
- The AED 3 comes with CPR Uni-Padz that are compatible with adults and children. These have a shelf life of 5 years instead of the 2 years for Pedi-padz.
- Automatic battery health check. Due to the automation this battery is more sophisticated than the AED PLUS batteries. This is ultimately a better performing battery and with its self testing safer for use. However it is not commonly available so you need to proactively replace it in the 5 year lifespan.
- The AED 3 has WiFi connectivity and can export data through WiFi or USB for clinical evaluation.
The CPR Unipadz have a shelf life of 5 years before the adhesive backing goes bad and then the pads need to be replaced. Most pads in the industry are only good for 2-3 years but Zoll has a longer shelf life. Unlike the AED Plus these pads are good for either adults or children.
The AED 3 uses a smart Latium Manganese Dioxide battery pack. It can report its power level and capacity automatically. This smart battery needs to be specially purchased for each cycle of up to 5 years within the device. The AED 3 can be connected to an AED program manager through WiFi to let you know when it needs to be replaced. .
The AED 3 does not include a carry case or wall mount.
The AED Plus has a 6 year warranty. There is an additional 2 year warranty available after registering the device with Zoll.
Need more?
If you've got a question that's been left unanswered or would like a quote about the best defibrillator for your use give us a call at 231-715-5705 or send us an email at sales@firegearoutfitters.com